Translations of Jewish Prayers

Throughout my career, I have tried to create meaningful communal prayer. Many or most of the members of both Hillel (where I served from 1985-2004) and Congregation Bnai Brith see themselves as “not religious” and regular prayer is foreign to them. But I believe that praying together is one of the most powerful experiences a community can share. So I have worked hard to create translations of the traditional prayers into English that will be accessible, appealing and inspiring for a wide range of Jews. Below is the complete siddur (prayerbook) which we now use at CBB, and below that are a number of individual prayer translations.

full CBB Shabbat prayerbook

Siddur Mashiv HaRuach

poetic translations of individual prayers

Maariv Aravim  Evening Creation

Ahavat Olam  Love and Teaching

Emet VeYatziv The Waters Parting

Hashkiveinu Night Prayer

V’Shamru The Covenant of Shabbat

Avot The Founders

G’vurot Miracles

Kedushat HaYom Holiness of the Sabbath Day

R’tzeh Longing

Modim Gratitude

Alenu Our Calling. Our Vision

Ilu Finu Mouth Singing Like the Sea