Shabbat Welcome

Welcome to the Palace: the invisible, sacred palace in time which our people has carried with us on all our journeys across the planet.  Once every seven days, for over three thousand years, we have left the blood, sweat and tears of the work week, and have stepped into Shabbat--a vision of the world at peace.

            The door of the Palace stands open.  To enter, you don’t need Hebrew; you don’t need any “skills;” you don’t need any special qualifications.  But you do need to know how to let go: of the world of buying and of building; of striving to impress others and to outdo others; of acquiring and achieving.

            This letting go is sometimes hard at first, but it soon comes naturally.  Most people find, in fact, that Shabbat becomes the highlight, the “heart” of their week.  Try it!

